Monday, February 14, 2011

Stereo/Studio Guitar Wiring

This project is about a double-output guitar wiring. I made it especially for studio use. It will allow you to play and record tracks with some special, useful functions.

It will work well as a mod for SG or Les Paul guitars. It needs some place for one pickup selector switch, three push-pull potentiometers and two jack sockets. Gibson/Epiphone guitars usually got it all (the extra jack socket can be in the place of the 4th pot).


How it works?

The blue switch is the DPDT on-on type. All orange switcher are parts of the push-pull pots (also on-on).


There is the „normal” and the „custom” channel. The „normal” is based on two 500K pots: volume and tone. It's similar to the classic Gibson wiring, as a part for one pickup. It's got quite well balanced frequency response.

The „custom” is based on the 500K volume pot and the switchable 1M resistor. If the resistor is switched-off, the channel will „sound” quite bright and will have a very good dynamic. With the connected resistor it will be a little bit warmer, but not so warm like the „normal” part. There's no tone pot.

Pickup switch

The pickup switch got only two positions (on-on). By using it, you can select which guitar pickup will be connected with the „normal” channel, and which will be working with the „custom”.

Orange switches

The switch, which is the part of the „custom” push-pull pot, works as a resistor connector. The switches of the „normal” channel push-pulls are the coil-splitters - one for every pickup.

What you can do with a guitar with this wiring?

You can play in stereo with two amps and two different pedal chains.

You can record two different sounding, but symmetrical tracks in one take. In the final process, you will be able to choose the best one, or use them both. (You will need two amps/processors to do this.)

You can make some extra effects, impossible to make with a common guitar.. For example, every output can get a different reverb. Than, you can put together both signals as one, double-dimensional.

You can use the guitar as a normal, mono instrument, but with two, different outputs to choose from. In this option, the pickup selector can connect the bridge, or the neck p-up to the selected channel, with no middle position.

As you can see, the stereo/double-output guitar wiring can give some really uncommon and interesting functons.
