Thursday, October 7, 2010

About Natural Tone, Benedetto Jazz Guitars and Guitar Wirings

I think, Benedetto Manhattan is a really cool jazz guitar. I didn't ever play on one :), but try to listen an audio sample on Benedetto website: .
This natural tone is awesome. I can really feel the wood. All electronics, which are taking part in the second part of the audio track (first is unplugged) are there just to show the wood on first place, not themselves.

As you can see on submitted site, Benedetto didn't put any complicated wiring to Manhattan. All potentiometers, capacitors and pickups in guitar wirings always have some impact on the sound, so if the wood is the most important, 'one pickup + one potentiometer' wiring is something that we should think about.

I also started to think about on-board buffers, which can save a guitar signal from some affects of potentiometers and capacitors. Using good quality active buffers on a signal line, just after the pickup, can allow to put some more tone controllers in the guitar wiring, with no affect on sound, which can't be controlled.